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Truescore electronic products, with the exception of electronic footgear, are warrantied for 2 years against manufacturer's defect. Electronic footgear is warrantied for 1 year.
This includes stitching, electrical components or hardware, and materials. This does not include blemishes, normal wear and tear, use of the product outside normal use and any other aesthetic quality. To make a claim, please contact


Extended Warranty 
Purchases of extended warranty can only be made for electronic components (E-Chestgear/E-Hogu, Transmitters, Receivers, Judge Boxes). Contact for more information on extended warranty plans.


Electronics Upgrades
Only the software and transmitters can be upgraded as new versions are released. Depending on the purchase date of electronics, upgrade fees may be applied.


RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization)/Repair
Whether the item is within or outside of warranty, a repair request requires an RMA number and confirmation from TrueScoreHQ. Items within warranty will be repaired at no cost as per the warranty policies. Items outside warranty are quoted for the repair costs before repairs begin to allow the customer a chance to approve the charges. Shipping to TrueScore is the sender’s responsibility and shipping from is covered by TrueScore if the repair is under warranty. Keep a purchase receipt handy to provide as proof of purchase.


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